Proud of Once Upon A Tree ciders!

Simon Day Once Upon A Tree

For some time now we have had a full range of the English top cider house Once Upon A Tree in our store (and of course also in our webshop). And just like Simon Day, we are proud of these delicious ciders. The Dragon Orchard in Putley (Herefordshire) has been around for over 90 years as a small traditional fruit orchard of the family […]

Vinologist Ellen Dekkers recommends in Delicious…

Appels en Peren in Delicious

Vinologist Ellen Dekkers wrote a wonderful article in Delicious about our store and a number of ciders we sell! Thank you! We are proud to call ourselves the one and only cider shop in Amsterdam! In this September issue on the wine pages next to a piece about our store three ciders that Ellen Dekkers recommends. The Colorful Apple […]

Italian wines at Apples and Pears

Italiaanse wijn bij Appels en Peren

Recently we also have a small, but fine, selection of Italian wines in our range! The prices are between 6 and 15 euros per bottle. Nice to alternate during an Italian dinner with our Italian ciders! Visit our store and discover your Italian roots for yourself. Arrivederci e presto! †

Easter bubbles? Cider or poire!

There are countless ciders and poirés that offer a tasty alternative to the standard Easter bubbles with an extensive Easter breakfast or Easter brunch. And the great thing: the lower alcohol percentage makes artisan cider or poiré extra suitable for this. Our Easter tips: Maley Cidre Mont Blanc € 12.95 This Cidre Mont Blanc is made from several types of apples and […]